Философия в цифровом мире – Philosophy in the Digital World. Volume ІІ

Zekrist R.I. Философия в цифровом мире – Philosophy in the Digital World: A textbook. Volume II / R.I.Zekrist. – Almaty: “Bastau”, 2020. – 344 p.

The textbook is designed to study the new, digital reality and its impact on the human world from the perspective of philosophy. The book consists of two parts. The proposed part reveals the content of new ideas about the state, power, democracy and religion in a digital society, about the problems of globalization of the historical process, the place and role of Kazakhstan in it, examines the problems of philosophy of technology, technicotechnological alienation of man and the formation of digital ethics Homo Virtual is, also explores culture and civilization, the philosophy of digital society The focus is on social forecasting and future scenarios.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers — students, teachers, researchers, as well as anyone interested in the achievements of modern science and its ideological conclusions.