Философия в цифровом мире / Philosophy in the Digital World. Volume І

Zekrist R.I. Философия в цифровом мире / Philosophy in the Digital World: A textbook (volume I) / R.I. Zekrist. – Almaty: “Bastau”, 2020. 328 – p.

This textbook presents the results of a study of new and non-traditional aspects that digitalization introduces into the study of philosophical problems. The book consists of two parts. The proposed part reveals the content of new ideas about the information and material unity of the world, virtual reality, the problem of artificial intelligence in philosophy, post-gnoseology (digital subject and object of cognition), digital dialectics and artificial life.
The study of philosophy is a school of thought, without which a person cannot develop a humanistic worldview in order to successfully navigate the world of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The book can be useful for both students and teachers, as well as for anyone interested in the spiritual treasury of human culture.