Жалпы және анорганикалық химия практикумы

Baibosynova A. T., Kabdrakhmanova S. K., Orazova S. S.
Жалпы және анорганикалық химия практикумы: textbook. – Almaty: SSK, 2020. – 232 р.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the curriculum. The textbook discusses the basic concepts of chemistry, in particular the atomic-molecular doctrine, the structure of the atom, the periodic law of D. I. Mendeleev and the periodic system of elements, types of chemical bonds and reaction rates, as well as the theory of the main classes of inorganic compounds, provides rules for the technique of working in the laboratory, laboratory work on each topic, questions and exercises for
The proposed manual is intended for students of the specialties” geography”,” ecology”,” biology”, as a means of assisting in the study of the disciplines” chemistry”,”chemistry of the geographical environment”, for in-depth practical mastery of the material passed in the theoretical course of Inorganic Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry. Significant changes were made to the first edition of the book, materials on environmental chemistry and ecology, analysis of the components of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere were supplemented with new data.