Особенности художественное оформление текстильных материалов и изделий

Dzhanpaizova V.M., Kim I.S., Ashirbekova G.Sh. Особенности художественное оформление текстильных материалов и изделий. A study guide. / Dzhanpaizova V.M., Kim I.S., Ashirbekova G.Sh. – Almaty: SSK, 2020 – 252 p.

The textbook is intended for students of the specialty 5B073300 – Technology and design of textile materials.
The textbook examines the basic laws of the ornamental composition of a textile pattern, its connection with the purpose of textile materials, the peculiarities of technological execution in industrial production conditions. Materials on the history and current state of textile decoration, prospects for its development are presented. There is a dictionary of terms often used in this industry.
It can be useful for students, undergraduates of textile universities and for artists and administrators of textile enterprises.