Биотехнология получения национальных кисломолочных  продуктов на основе пробиотических микроорганизмов

Konarbayeva 3.K., Saparbekova A.A., Tasybayeva Sh.B. Биотехнология получения национальных кисломолочных  продуктов на основе пробиотических микроорганизмов /Monograph. – Almaty: SSK, 2020.-136 p.

The monograph presents the results of the authors’ research, a new fermented milk product has been developed on the basic basis of national products using multi-strain bacterial starter cultures for dietary and therapeutic and preventive nutrition.

New highly antagonistic strains of lactic acid bacteria have been isolated and identified. Taking into account their biocompatibility, a bacterial consortium has been designed to suppress pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. Bacteriocin produced by Lbm culture, acidophilus K-3, was isolated.

A consortium has been created based on strains of lactic acid bacteria promising for use as a starter culture in the production of fermented dairy products.

The monograph is intended for students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the specialty “Biotechnology”, it can also be useful for workers in the food industry.