Оқушы лидерді тәрбиелеу

Abdigapbarova U.M., Baykulova A.M. Оқушы лидерді тәрбиелеу. U.M.Abdigapbarova, A.M.Baykulova. -Almaty: Epigraph, 2019 – 304 p.

This monograph defines the essence of the concepts of leader, leader. The types and types of leadership are considered. The research of foreign and domestic scientists is studied, which examines the problem of leadership. The characteristics of Turkic scientists and thinkers for leadership are analyzed. The article substantiates the peculiarities of leadership education among students in adolescence. The personality of the student’s leader is determined and a comprehensive description is given. The essence and structure of student leadership education are determined. The technology of educating students in leadership is described. Their experimental verification is also noted. Diagnostic tests, questionnaires, training games and exercises that determine the level of student leadership formation are systematized.

The monograph is intended for employees of government bodies in the field of education, school teachers, educators and methodologists, students of pedagogical specialties of universities and colleges, undergraduates, doctoral students and applicants.