Электрондық және өлшеу техникасының негіздері

Arystanbayev K.E., Amirbekova A.I., Kultas A.K. Электрондық және өлшеу техникасының негіздері: textbook / K.E. Arystanbayev, A.I. Amirbekova, A.K. Kultas.- Almaty: Epigraph, 2019 – 172 p.

The textbook is built in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the standard program of the discipline “Fundamentals of electronic and Measuring technology” and contains all the necessary information to perform the laboratory work of the course.

The textbook is intended for students of the specialty 5B071900 “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications”.

The textbook contains information necessary for students in the conditions of widespread electronic and measurement communication, introduces them to their structures and principles of work.