Музыкаға оқыту әдістемесінің іс-әрекет түрлері

Taubaldievage.Sh. Музыкаға оқыту әдістемесінің іс-әрекет түрлері. A study guide. Almaty: Epigraph, 2019. -168 p.

The textbook “types of musical activity methods of teaching music” is intended to provide methodological assistance and organize thorough training of students of the specialty “Musical education”. Prepares future music teachers and undergraduates for professional activity.

The actual problem is the content of the types of musical activities and the issues of their organization. The musical activity of students at school has the following directions: listening to music, musical performance, composing and improvising music, special attention is paid to the organization and nature of musical-theoretical, musical-historical, musical-artistic and musical activities. At the same time, great importance is attached to the organizational technology of the music lesson as a whole, its specifics, depending on the target orientation, the chosen teaching topic, and the professional creative position of the teacher himself.

The manual is intended for students, music teachers, as well as for teachers and undergraduates of higher and secondary educational institutions who train music teachers for institutions.

This methodological guide will definitely help students of the musical specialty, heads of practices, teachers, methodologists, undergraduates during the period of pedagogical practice.