Қоршаған органың жағымсыз факторлары және еңбекті қорғау

Baubekov S.Zh., Taukebayeva K.S. Қоршаған органың жағымсыз факторлары және еңбекті қорғау – textbook / S.Zh. Baubekov, K.S. Taukebayeva.-Almaty, Epigraph, 2019.-352 p.

Prepared in accordance with the standard curriculum 5B012000 – “vocational training” (by industry) “negative environmental factors and occupational safety”.

The purpose of the textbook is to familiarize students with the basics of safe interaction with the human environment (industrial, household, urban) and the basics of protection from negative factors in dangerous, emergency situations, demonstration of ways to protect the environment and labor, education, training of qualified specialists.