Молекулалық физика және термодинамика. 1-Volume

Balabekov K.N., Balakhaeva R.K., Kainarbai A.J. Молекулалық физика және термодинамика. Volume 1. A study guide. – Almaty: Epigraph, 2019 -340 p.

The development of science and information technology requires the implementation of all educational disciplines necessary for students at a high level. Today, much attention is paid to the quality of training of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline, which is prepared by teachers of higher educational institutions in accordance with the standard curriculum of the specialty for students and their number, especially in the state language. Therefore, it would be a great achievement if students could master such high-quality and systematically prepared educational and methodological complexes systematically in higher and secondary educational institutions. In this regard, the structure of the CCU, which is part of the curriculum that allows in-depth learning, is intended for students studying physics.

The proposed textbook consists of an introduction, fifteen lectures outlining the basics of molecular physics, fifteen practical exercises, intermediate control (first and second) on the subject, a glossary and appendices. At the end of each lecture, control questions are given, and at each practical lesson, tasks for self-completion by students, which students can complete independently and compare with the examples given.

The content of the textbook meets the requirements of students of higher educational institutions, the language is simple and understandable to students. The main feature of the textbook is its regularity.