Тоқыма өндірісі материалдарының сапасын басқару және бақылау негіздері

Dzhanpashova V.M., Murzabayeva G.K. Тоқыма өндірісі материалдарының сапасын басқару және бақылау негіздері. A study guide. /V.M. Dzhanpaizova, G.K. Murzabayeva Almaty: Epigraph, 2019 – 164 p.

The textbook is intended for undergraduates studying in the specialty 6M073300 — “technology and design of textile materials”.

The textbook is compiled with the base of educational and scientific literature in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the discipline program. The textbook allows undergraduates to independently study creative works, complex sections of the course in accordance with the discipline program, in depth and individually.

The textbook provides an overview of scientific data on product quality management and a subsequent analysis of the quality system of a particular industry. For this purpose, basic scientific works by domestic and foreign authors and textbooks in the field of quality management were used.