Жарғақшалық бөлу әдістері

Ibataev J.A., Suleimenov E.M. Жарғақшалық бөлу әдістері (textbook) / J.A. Ibataev, E.M. Suleimenov. – Almaty, SSK, 2020. -176 p.

Membrane separation and concentration methods are currently widely used for water and air purification, determination of their composition, separation of technological media, production of medicines, food. The technology based on membrane separation methods makes it possible to carry out traditional operations efficiently and without reagents, automate the technology and close the chemical technology. Thus, these technologies will fully meet the requirements of green energy, ecology and in the future will go only in the direction of development.

The textbook provides comprehensive knowledge about the creation, application of membranes, features of processes, stages of development. The book is addressed to students, undergraduates studying in the fields of chemistry, Chemical technology, biotechnology, ecology and those seeking in the general field of membrane technologies.