Микробиология пәнінен зертханалық практикум

Uspabaeva A.A. Микробиология пәнінен зертханалық практикум. Almaty: SSK, 2020, 124 p.

The laboratory workshop on the discipline “Microbiology” contains all the information necessary to perform the topics of laboratory classes in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and program of the discipline.

The proposed laboratory workshop is intended for university students studying in the specialty 5b0801000-agronomy. The laboratory workshop covers two sections of the course “Microbiology”, general and agricultural microbiology, brief theoretical and methodological guidelines necessary for laboratory classes, including two sections, the procedure for performing laboratory work, morphological signs and biochemical actions of groups of microorganisms of practical importance, as well as basic microbiological research methods. Each laboratory session is covered by control questions.