Cпорт өнерінің тарихы, түрлері және терминдері / История, виды и термины спортивного искусства. 1 Volumе

Amidov A.I. Cпорт өнерінің тарихы, түрлері және терминдері / История, виды и термины спортивного искусства. Volume 1: monograph / A.I. Amidov,- Almaty: Epigraph, 2019.- 360 p.

The main purpose of the monograph is to differentiate terms, analyze sports, improve efficiency for physical education specialists, and bring frequently used phrases in the most common sports to readers and students in simple language. The data presented to the attention of readers and students in this work are not limited to providing explanations not only of the theory and methods of physical education, but also comment on words and phrases widely used in the teachings of the history of sports, biomechanics, psychology, pedagogy, hygiene, sports medicine and give an idea of the peaks of sports, the world statuses of athletes and participants The Olympic Games also included detailed information about the years, in which city and in which state it took place.

The monograph contains information not only about the precise, accurate transmission of sports concepts, but also about the types of sports equipment and tools used by athletes. The correct use of sports terms creates conditions for mutual understanding between the coach and the athlete. The main historical data in the monograph is addressed to sports professionals and athletes, sports fans, those who have just entered the world of sports, as well as students-students of secondary and higher educational institutions who train specialists from the culture of physical culture.