Музыкалық білім беру теориясын оқыту негіздері

Taubaldieva Zh. Музыкалық білім беру теориясын оқыту негіздері. A textbook for university students. – Almaty: Epigraph, 2019. -104 p.

The proposed textbook is related to teaching in the system of credit technology in the discipline Theory of music education, as indicated in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” and the state program on “Education”, adopted on September 30, 2000, an important factor in the economic and social progress of society is the acquisition of skills in creative personality formation, the formation of mental and pursues such goals like harvesting.

We hope that this textbook will become a valuable tool for 3rd year students of music education specialties and teachers studying in the credit technology system of universities.