
Sisen A. Статистика: A textbook. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 150 p.

The Statistics course occupies an important place in the study of subjects that determine the professional training of Bachelor of Economics in terms of its internal content. According to modern requirements, economists should be able to use a quantitative assessment of their condition, factors, and the results of market socio-economic relations due to their knowledge of statistical analysis methods.

Statistics is a branch of practical activity engaged in the collection, processing, analysis and publication of data on various socio-economic phenomena. According to the Law on State Statistics, all legal entities submit statistical information on their production, commercial and other activities to the statistical authorities. The word “statistics” occupies a large place in the daily news when considering data on socio-economic phenomena.

Statistics examines the situation, structure, development and interrelation of social phenomena, their statistical model and forecasting, and the analysis of statistical information. In the science of statistics, a theoretical basis for general economic and statistical research directions is being prepared.