
Kopobaeva A.N. Литология: a textbook/ Kopobaeva A.N., Blyalova G.G. — Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 76 p.

The textbook consists of an introduction, 5 parts and a list of references. The textbook examines the processes of sedimentary rock formation — the general characteristics of lithogenesis, the structure and composition of sedimentary rocks, petrographic characteristics, faciality and the main methods of their analysis. .

Knowledge of sedimentary rocks and methods of their study is very necessary in construction and road construction, hydrogeology and a number of fields. The soil develops in sedimentary rocks. The composition and properties of the soil depend on the composition and properties of sedimentary rocks. Therefore, petrography of sedimentary rocks is of interest to soil scientists and agronomists.