Орта мектепте математиканы оқытуда тарихи материалдарды пайдалану

Nugysova A. Орта мектепте математиканы оқытуда тарихи материалдарды пайдалану: an educational and methodical manual / Nugysova A., Shatyrbaeva G.Zh., Dzhambulova N. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 220 p.

The use of historical materials in teaching mathematics in high school is very important. In this regard, the proposed educational and methodological manual presents the theoretical foundations of the use of historical materials in teaching mathematics in secondary schools, the history of the formation and development of mathematics in Kazakhstan. The method of using historical materials in teaching mathematics in secondary schools is presented.

The textbook is intended for students, teachers, doctoral students and undergraduates of physics and mathematics faculties of higher educational institutions, school teachers and methodologists of educational institutions.