Жоғары оқу орындарында математикалық талдауды оқытудың дидактикалық негіздері

Nugysova A. Жоғары оқу орындарында математикалық талдауды оқытудың дидактикалық негіздері: an educational and methodological guide / Nugysova A., Slamzhanova S.S., Tokbaeva G.L. – Almaty CyberSmith, 2021.-172 p.

In the system of professional training of students, undergraduates and doctoral students – future specialists-teachers of higher educational institutions, it is very important to form their abilities to master the theoretical foundations and methods of teaching mathematical subjects. In this regard, the proposed educational and methodological manual comprehensively describes the didactic foundations of teaching mathematical analysis in higher education. It presents the theoretical foundations, content and methods of teaching mathematical analysis in higher education.

The educational and methodological manual is intended for teachers of higher educational institutions, preparing teachers of mathematics, doctoral and undergraduates, students, school teachers.