Специальная технология вяжущих материалов

Taimasov B.T. Специальная технология вяжущих материалов: textbook. Part 2 / B.T. Taymasov – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021 – 184 p.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the standard curriculum of the educational program OP 6B07190 – Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials.

The textbook describes the technological processes of production of gypsum, lime, magnesia binders, mixed and special cements, dry building mixes, chrysotile cement, silicate, concrete and reinforced concrete products. Raw materials, non-traditional raw materials and additives, methods of firing gypsum and lime, molding gypsum, chrysotile cement, silicate and concrete products, heat and moisture treatment of products and structures are described. Modern aggregates and technologies for firing gypsum and lime, processes of molding, hydration and hardening of products are described. The ways of intensification of processes and reduction of fuel consumption for firing, increasing the productivity of units are shown. New compositions of binders and dry mixtures, low-energy and resource-saving technologies are presented. The methods of waste disposal, emission reduction, and environmental protection are shown.

The textbook is intended for students of OP 6B07190 – Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials.