Экология природных ресурсов

Suleimenova N.Sh., Makhamedova B.Zh., Akylbekova R.A. Экология природных ресурсов: a textbook for higher educational institutions / N.Sh. Suleimenova, B.Ya. Makhamedova, R.A. Akylbekova – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021 – 168 p.

This textbook outlines the theoretical aspects of the ecology of natural resources, basic concepts and laws of ecology, management in the field of nature protection and use of natural resources, discusses the problems of protection and rational use of the atmosphere, water resources, subsoil use and minerals of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The state and prospects of using energy resources and non-traditional energy sources are revealed. Modern environmental problems and ways of rational use of soils are described, characteristics of land resources, the current state and use of land after the land reform in Kazakhstan are given. The principles and methods of regulation of protection and ways of rational use of the flora are substantiated. The international legal mechanism of environmental protection and environmental aspects of sustainable human development in solving through rational environmental management are shown.