Проектирование и разработка Web-приложений

Sultanova B.K. Проектирование и разработка Web-приложений: textbook / B.K.Sultanova. Almaty: CyberSmith Publishing House, 2021. — 112 p.

The proposed tutorial focuses on issues related to the design and development of Web applications. These methods primarily include those that use database design, Web page layout, as well as building the logic of their interaction, ways to develop Web applications, etc. The basic theoretical and practical principles of Web application design, layout and linking to databases, etc. are presented. Only the main commonly used technologies and their components are given.

The textbook is intended for students of the specialties 5B070400 “Computer Engineering and software”, 5B070500 “Mathematical and computer modeling”, 5B070300 “Information Systems” and undergraduates of the specialties 6M070400 “Computer Engineering and Software”, 6M070300 “Information Systems”.