Ғылыми зерттеу әдістері

Sarsembayeva N.B. Ғылыми зерттеу әдістері: textbook / N.B. Sarsembayeva, A.N. Burketbayeva, A.B. Tolymbekova, A.A. Askar.- Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 108 p.

This book presents a set of methods used in the general scientific field. At the same time, each branch of science has not only a special object, but also a special method corresponding to this object. The structure of scientific research in a broad sense is a way of scientific knowledge or the scientific method itself. A method is a set of actions that help you come to a certain conclusion. Also, the method does not equalize the capabilities of people, but makes their actions uniform and contributes to obtaining similar results of scientific research. Everyone’s level of thinking is different, so certain tools are needed to equalize everyone’s ability to succeed.

Such a tool is the method of scientific research. The book is intended for university students studying veterinary medicine and staff of veterinary institutions.