Ою-өрнектердің даму тарихы мен табиғаты

Bolysbayev D.S., Dzhartybayeva J.D. Ою-өрнектердің даму тарихы мен табиғаты: textbook/ D.S. Bolysbayev, J.D. Dzhartybayeva. Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021.— 248 p.

The textbook examines the problems of the history and theory of the world of ornaments that originated from ancient times, and the art of the ancient world. They tried to combine the richest cultural and traditional heritage left to mankind by ancient masters of art and artisans. At the same time, the textbook outlines the main theoretical provisions related to the peculiarities of nature, the direction of important concepts related to the structure of the ornament. Using the example of the most prominent European and Oriental cultures directly related to ornament, the stages of ornament formation in each culture and the main stages of its historical development are considered.

The textbook is intended for future museologists, architects, and artists studying in art specialties. In addition, the book is of great value to professional artists, art historians, museologists and anyone interested in applied art.