Сұйық және газ механикасы

Kambarov Zh.K., Absimetov V.E., Unaibaev B.B., Mardenov Zh.A., Arsenin V.A. Сұйық және газ механикасы: A textbook. Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021.- 140 p.

The educational and methodical complex “Mechanics of liquid and gas” is intended for teaching students according to the credit system of specialties 5B071700 – “Thermal power engineering”, 5B072900 “Construction”.

The complex includes the scope, normative reference, general information and curriculum of the subject for students, methodological recommendations, course format and course policy. In addition, the working program of the subject for students (Syllabus), the topics of lectures (exercises) and their summary, a list of tasks for independent work of students, questions for self-examination and literature, examples of test questions are given.

The publication was published according to the thematic publication plan of the republican scientific and educational literature of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.