Engineering science of sewing production

Sabyrkhanova S. Sh. Educational and methodical manual on discipline “Engineering science of sewing production” discussed and approved at faculty meeting of TandFl / Sabyrkhanova S. Sh. Almaty: CyberSmith. 2021. 1.80 p.

The educational and methodical manual for executing practical classes on the discipline “Engineering science of sewing production”, for the specialty 5B072600 “Technology and design of light industry products”

A practical workshop designed in accordance w ith the requirements of the curriculum and program of the discipline “Engineering of sewing production” and includes all the necessary information for the implementation of the practical classes that allow a deep and detailed study of the most difficult sections of the course, and to instill in students the skills of independent scientific work.

Practical workshop consists of 15 practical topics, designed for training 2 hours on each topic.