Culture and art in human life

Dyusekeneva I.M., Dzhartybaeva A.Sh. Culture and art in human life: an educational and methodological guide / I.M. Dyusekeneva, A.Sh. Dzhartybaeva. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021.-120 p.

The manual is aimed at improving the level of English language proficiency. The manual covers lexical topics of culture and art. The key point of this manual is to replenish the lexical stock of students, as well as the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice.

The proposed manual consists of three parts. This complex includes texts, exercises for meaningful text identification, thematic dictionaries, as well as lexical and speech exercises and dialogues on the topics studied. The exercises can be used both in the classroom and as an independent work.

The teaching aid is intended for second-year students of language faculties and English departments of higher educational institutions.