Оқытудың жалпы әдістемесі: ғылыми негіздері және оқыту үдерісі. The first book

Zhapbarov A., Rakhymbek D., Zhumabayeva A.E. Оқытудың жалпы әдістемесі: ғылыми негіздері және оқыту үдерісі. The first book / A. Zhapbarov, D. Rakhymbek, A.E. Zhumabayeva – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021.- 272 p.

In this textbook, the ways of organizing the educational process according to the general teaching methodology were studied. The scientific and methodological foundations, system, provisions and structure of the educational process organization are considered. The components of the structural learning system, the definition of the content and scope of learning, the clarification of educational results, skills, flexibility and the system of activities that form it, as well as the method of control, verification and evaluation are also considered. The results were described.

The work is intended for teachers, students, undergraduates and doctoral students, researchers of the education system.