Оқытудың жалпы әдістемесі: оқушылардың ойлау және сөйлеу әрекетін дамыту. The fifth book

Zhapbarov A., Rakhymbek D., Zhumabayeva A.E. Оқытудың жалпы әдістемесі: оқушылардың ойлау және сөйлеу әрекетін дамыту. The fifth book/ A. Zhapbarov, D. Rakhymbek, A.E. Zhumabayeva.- Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 292 p.

This work was devoted to the development of thinking and speech as a general method of teaching at school. There: the scientific and theoretical foundations of the methodology for the formation of knowledge, deeds and skills of students through the use of thinking and speech techniques in the learning process were analyzed. Also, through thinking methods, students are taught concepts, ideas, opinions, analysis, synthesis, reasoning, etc. The teaching methodology is considered. And the methodology of teaching speech activity was considered by types of speech: reading, writing, pronunciation, listening, as well as the methodology of teaching interdisciplinary communication through text when teaching school subjects.