Дуальды оқыту негізіңде болашақ кәсіптік оқыту педагогтарын даярлау

Alshynbayeva Zh.E., Sarbasova K.A., Baizhumanova N.S. Дуальды оқыту негізіңде болашақ кәсіптік оқыту педагогтарын даярлау/ Zh.E. Alshynbayeva. Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021 — 160 p.

The monograph “Training of future professional teachers on the basis of dual education” presents the scientific and theoretical foundations of dual education: a comparative analysis of the implementation of dual education, the meaning and content of dual education in the system of technical and vocational education. trends in the development of the introduction of dual education in the system of technical and vocational education; Modeling the process of implementing dual education in the training of future teachers of vocational education: the model of training future teachers of vocational education in the implementation of dual training, the content of training future teachers of vocational education in the implementation of dual training, the role of new innovative technologies in the implementation of dual training; Practical experimental work on the introduction of dual training in the training of future teachers of vocational education: it is planned to organize experimental work on the introduction of dual training in the training of future teachers of vocational education.

This monograph is devoted to the educational programs of the higher educational institution 7M01401 – “Vocational training”; 6B01402 – “Vocational training” is recommended for use by bachelors and masters, students of vocational colleges.