Жол-құрылыс машиналарын пайдалану

Turysbekov B.T. Жол-құрылыс машиналарын пайдалану: A textbook.B.T. Turysbekov.— Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021 — 468 p.

This tutorial describes the technology of work using construction machines, methods of their safe use.

The book describes the work of the main machines and mechanisms used in the construction and operation of communication lines. The methods of rational operation of road construction machines of each group are shown in detail.

The principle of operation of machines, ways of rational use of each group of machines, and ways of their operation are shown. The basic rules for the use of road vehicles and forklifts are given. Safety issues have been raised.

The book “Construction of 1410000 highways and airfields” can be used as a textbook for students of educational institutions training specialists in this field, and can serve as a reference guide for many engineering and technical workers of construction organizations.