Экологиялық нормалау және сараптама негіздері

Turgenova O.M., Gataulina G.A. Экологиялық нормалау және сараптама негіздері: paninen kurylgan kyskasha darister zhinagyna / O.M. Turgenova, G.A. Gataulina.- Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021.-220 p.

The collection of lectures on the basics of environmental regulation and expertise included 10 chapters. In particular, the theoretical foundations of environmental regulation, environmental regulation mechanisms, air quality regulation, water quality assessment, soil environmental regulation, environmental regulation of food products, environmental impact assessment (EIA), environmental expertise, environmental audit and environmental insurance. Clarifying questions were asked after each chapter. At the end of the lectures, a list of literature used in the preparation of lectures was also shown.

In order to ensure the environmental safety of the population, preserve seed stocks, restore and rationalize the use of natural resources, provide students with theoretical knowledge on environmental regulation, conduct state environmental expertise and audit, and determine the extent of environmental impact. on issues of the natural environment, basic environmental expertise and projects of assessment checks, comprehensively consider the determining factors, environmental impact measures, help to train qualified and knowledgeable specialists.

To ensure the environmental safety of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to study the procedure for document management with individuals and legal entities on the basis of the environmental code, nature protection and effective environmental management. During the course of studying the subject, students get acquainted with various types of environmental documents, environmental programs and learn scientific concepts of environmental management, marketing, finance and, as a result, their professional competence is formed.