Тайм менеджмент

Tazhibekova K.B. Тайм менеджмент: a textbook / K.B.Tazhibekova. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 128 p.

Time is the only resource that everyone has. The only difference is how you use this time.

This lesson is about the most valuable and irreplaceable resource – time. The ability to manage time gives us an important advantage — it gives us the opportunity to achieve creativity that expands the possibilities of our soul.

The tutorial is a complete course covering all aspects of the organization. The book talks not only about time management, but also about effective rest, goal setting and planning. From the book you can learn about personal and corporate time management. You will learn how to organize your time using diaries that you can keep yourself, as well as using computer programs.

Each topic is followed by exercises and exercises to consolidate time management skills.

The textbook is intended for teachers of higher educational institutions and graduate students of economic specialties.