Технология консервирования пищевых продуктов

J.H. Kakimova / Технология консервирования пищевых продуктов: A study guide. – Karaganda: Publishing house “AKNUR”. -2016.- 126 p.

The textbook provides a classification of food raw materials and methods used in canning technology. Various methods of preserving raw materials of vegetable and animal origin are considered. The theoretical substantiation of the processes of refrigerating food processing and biological changes in food products during storage is given. Information is provided on the principles of thermal preservation and dehydration of food products.

The textbook is intended for university students of the following specialties: 5B070100 – “Biotechnology”, 5B073200 – “Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry)”, 5B072700 – “Food technology”, 5B072800 – “Technology of processing industries” when studying the discipline “Production Technology”.