«Биология» пәнінен студенттердің өзіндік жұмыс дәптері

Kusembayeva D.B., Ualsherova A.N. «Биология» пәнінен студенттердің өзіндік жұмыс дәптері. Karaganda: Publication “AKNUR”, 2019. – 174 p.

This workbook is based on the textbook “Biology”. The notebooks contain types of work and assignments designed to increase students’ interest in learning and consolidate their knowledge of the subject.

The main purpose of the “Workbook” for students is to teach students to formulate their own thoughts and draw conclusions while working independently.

During the use of the Workbook, students develop many skills:

1. Through various biological dictations, questions, filling in pictures, tables, and test papers, students expand their knowledge from the textbook.

2. Answering various questions, writing down answers instead of many points, filling out a table, the level of knowledge increases and comes to a certain conclusion.

3. In the process of completing the tasks set, the student develops thinking and increases his interest in the subject of biology.

Rules for using the workbook:

– before completing this task, it is necessary to master the materials of the textbook;

– you should fully familiarize yourself with the content of the task and try to answer correctly;

– The tasks given in the workbook are given during the lesson and as homework.

The teacher can use the material to confirm the knowledge gained, as well as to test the knowledge of students.