Індеттану микробиологиямен

Omarbekova U.J. Індеттану микробиологиямен. Volume 1: Textbook, 2 volumes. – Almaty: Medet Group LLP. 2020. – 186 p.

The textbook covers the following issues: the content and purpose of the subject of epidemiology and microbiology, the morphology of microorganisms and viruses, the main groups of microorganisms, the physiology of microorganisms, their changes and heredity, the spread of microorganisms in nature and the microflora of the animal body, as well as technical safety when working with infectious materials and sick animals in the laboratory. The reproduction and classification of viruses, methods of virological research are given. The Department of General Epidemiology examines the types of infection, the types of infection caused by the penetration and spread of microbes in animals, immunity and immunogenic systems, the epidemic process and its driving forces, the epizootic focus and its types, counteractions. epizootic measures, therapy of infectious diseases, as well as disinfection, disinsection, and deratization. The workshop “Epidemiology with microbiology” allows students of the specialty “Veterinary Medicine” to learn detailed information about the main aspects of the specialty.