Биологиялық препараттар өндірісінің технологиясы

Yessimova A.M., Kedelbaev B.S. Биологиялық препараттар өндірісінің технологиясы. Textbook. Medet Group LLP. Karaganda, 2020. 152 p.

The textbook for students of the specialty “Biotechnology” includes all documents and information in accordance with the requirements of the program and curriculum in accordance with the state educational standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Biotechnology describes the use of living organisms and biological processes in production for human purposes. Information on the production of food protein products by microbiological method has been prepared. The technology of isolation of microbial biomass for food protein products is presented. This textbook presents the modern microbiological method of obtaining a biological preparation, the technology of obtaining individual biological preparations.