Әлеуметтік экология және тұрақты даму

J.M. Nurzhumanova, R. U. Ashakaeva, A.N. Nurmukhambetova. Әлеуметтік экология және тұрақты даму: A textbook.Almaty: Residential complex “LP-Zhasulan”, 2019.-184 p.

The textbook “Social Ecology and sustainable development” examines the theories, methods and methods of the transition of the “nature-man-society” system to harmonious sustainable development, linking the socio-ecological and economic aspects of society. . The textbook outlines the causes of socio-ecological and economic problems in the world, the place of man in nature, adaptation, the formation of ecological culture and knowledge, environmental trends in the economy, prerequisites and indicators of the transition to sustainable development, a joint solution. actions of the world community in the transition to sustainable development.