Пищевая биотехнология. Научные основы производства продуктов питания

Loskutova G.A., Dubinets I.M., Koltyugina O.V. Пищевая биотехнология. Научные основы производства продуктов питания. Educational and practical guide. Almaty: TechSmith, 2021. – 168 p.

The educational and practical manual on food biotechnology is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the program of the discipline “Food Biotechnology”. The manual contains brief theoretical information about the stages of development of microorganisms, raw materials used in biotechnological industries, technologies for obtaining some products using microorganisms. The book presents modern trends in biotechnology for the production of products from raw materials of plant and animal origin. The practical part of the manual is devoted to the production of dairy, canned and fortified products. Educational-

The practical guide is intended for students of the specialties biotechnology, food technology, technology of processing industries.