Пайдалы қазба кенорындарының геологиясы. Volume 1

Baibatsha A.B. Пайдалы қазба кенорындарының геологиясы: Textbook. Volume 1. Almaty: New book, 2021. – 320 p.

The textbook provides information about minerals, their type, morphology and material composition, as well as deposits. The main properties, industrial minerals, applications, reserves and extraction of metallic, non-metallic and combustible minerals are listed. The geology and genetic types of knorin are described. Information on the mineral resources of Kazakhstan is provided, examples of the main deposits are given.

Some terms are borrowed from Latin and English originals, for example: abyssal, alluvium, gram, diagram, crystal, metal, nickel, profile, process, etc.

The textbook is intended for students studying in the specialties “Geology and exploration of mineral deposits”, “Mining”.