Қабаттың мұнайбергіштігін көбейту техникасы мен технологиясы

Bisembayeva K.T., Zholbasarova A.T. Қабаттың мұнайбергіштігін көбейту техникасы мен технологиясы: a study guide. – Almaty: New book, 2021. – 116 p.

The textbook analyzes ways to increase oil recovery of a reservoir characterized by a decrease in field development, technologies and techniques for increasing oil recovery, their classification and processes. Depending on the stages of development, the energy depletion of the reservoir and its dependence on the oil flow rate are given. The features of the methods of increasing oil recovery in relation to the well and reservoir are given, as well as detailed explanations.

The textbook is intended for use by students of all levels of education in universities and colleges, as well as engineering and technical workers of the oil industry.