
Karabala-Uly O.K. Биотехнология: a textbook / O.K. Karabala-Uly . – Almagi: New book, 2021. -224 p.

Obtaining new diagnostic and treatment methods, new products, including environmentally friendly food and technical materials, in connection with the aim of improving the quality of human life is one of the modern requirements. Biotechnology, as a rapidly developing scientific and industrial field from the point of view of knowledge, is able to solve many fundamental, modern problems. Therefore, the development of biotechnological processes and the training of qualified biotechnologists occupy an important place in the field of science and education, as well as in the economies of developed countries.

The textbook provides a brief theoretical overview of current topics in genetics: mendelism, the material, molecular and chromosomal foundations of heredity, mutation theory, genetic and cellular engineering and their achievements, the development of biotechnology using plant totipotence.

During the compilation of N.’s textbook at the Siberian Federal University named after Warriors and colleagues turned to the materials of the methodological complex “Modern problems and methods of biotechnology”, etc. We turned to the materials of Ditchenko’s lecture course “Culture of cells, tissues and organs of plants”, as well as to several lectures and laboratory seminars.

The textbook is intended for students, postgraduates of universities and pedagogical, technological and agricultural universities, as well as specialists in the field of biology.