Аналитикалық химиядан есептер жинағы

Mukazhanova Zh.B. Аналитикалық химиядан есептер жинағы: textbook for undergraduate students // Zh.B. Mukazhanova, Sh.K. Sanyazova, M.M. Nykmukanova, K. Kabdysalym. – Almaty: New book, 2021. – 244 p.

The textbook “Analytical Chemistry” covers all sections of analytical chemistry and consists of three sections covering chemical equilibrium in solution, quantitative analysis and physico-chemical methods of analysis and statistical processing of analysis results.

Each chapter shows examples of solving typical problems, and at the end of the chapter there are tasks whose solution by students contributes to a deeper understanding of theoretical material and the organization of their own work. The reference tables needed to solve the problems are presented in the Applications section.