Архитектуралық ою-өрнек. Монографиялық талдау және құру әдістері. (2nd part)

Chekaeva R.U., Revtova V.V., Sabyrbaeva L.A. Архитектуралық ою-өрнек. Монографиялық талдау және құру әдістері. (2nd part). A study guide. 5B042000 – “Architecture”, 6B07320 -“Architecture of residential and public buildings”, 7M07320 – Textbook for students of the specialty “Architecture”. — Almaty: New book, 2021 — 108 pages.

The textbook shows that a detailed analysis of the architectural objects of Northern Kazakhstan was carried out. It includes the analysis of architectural objects according to their typological characteristics by means of a monographic analysis algorithm or a set of systematic steps. “Architectural ornament. The textbook “Monographic analysis and construction methods” was created in accordance with the curriculum of the specialty “Architecture” and training in this area. In the learning process, it is used in the subjects “Ethnocultural basis of modern architecture”, “New architecture and artistic basis”, “Preservation of monuments”.