Орман шаруашылығының  экономикасы

Kaiken Zh.B., Dzhandybaev T.M., Takhtaeva R.Sh., Kaldybaeva D.O. Орман шаруашылығының  экономикасы: Textbook. Almaty: New book, 2021 J. — 100 p.

It was reviewed and supported by the Methodological Council of the College of Agribusiness and Economics of the Consumer Union of Kazakhstan.

The textbook is devoted to the economics of forestry in underdeveloped Kazakhstan. It includes zoning, the territory of forestry in the regions of the republic, forest products produced, their accounting, stocks in the industry, including equipment used in production, its productivity, cost, price, profit, typical for the economy, models (formulas) that determine the economic efficiency of many of the work carried out, their production use is recorded.

The textbook is intended for students, postgraduates, teachers, specialists and heads of universities, secondary specialized educational institutions dealing with forestry economics.