Тау-кен кәсіпорындарының аэрологиясы

Medeubaev N.A. Тау-кен кәсіпорындарының аэрологиясы: textbook / N.A. Medeubaev, B. Husan – Almaty: New book, 2021- 288 p.

The composition and properties of the mine atmosphere, the laws of air movement in ventilation ducts and air ducts are considered. The mechanism of aerodynamic drag of air channels is described. The necessary information is provided on the sources of attraction, methods of calculating ventilation networks and methods of controlling air distribution in the ventilation system. The gas-dust dynamics of the ventilation flow is considered. The scheme and methods of ventilation of crankcase mining and industrial facilities are described.

The textbook is intended for bachelors studying in the specialty “Mining” in the subject “Aerology of mining enterprises” and “Life safety and environmental protection” in the subject “Industrial ventilation”, as well as for graduate students specializing in industrial aerology.