Агрономия негіздері. І-рart

Kenbaev B.K. Агрономия негіздері: textbook. I-part/ Kenbaev B.K., Zhanzakov M.M., Begaliev K.B., Myrzabek K.A. – Almaty: New book, 2021.- 420 p.

Textbook of agricultural production – flora in agriculture, types of fertilizers used, types of weeds and measures to control them, tillage and reclamation measures, crop rotations and their implementation and development, farming systems, as well as the distribution and morphological features of field crops, biological properties, varieties, includes the scientific foundations of agricultural cultivation techniques.

It is intended for students and graduates of agricultural engineering, technological, environmental specialties of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as specialists in agro-industrial production.