

Author: Yuri Borisovich Borev
ISBN: 5-17-027377-0, 5-9648-0003-3, 5-271-10624-1
Language: Russian
Publisher: Rus-Olympus, AST, Astrel
Year: 2016
и 832


In the book of the famous scientist, writer, head of the The Theory Department of the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the International Association of Aestheticians Yu. B. Borev summarizes the main provisions of modern aesthetics. The author highlights the issues of nature, essence, origin and theoretical history of the development of art. The categories of the beautiful, the sublime, the tragic, the comic, etc. are interpreted in a new way. The theoretical positions are illustrated by rich material from the history of world art.

The textbook is intended for art historians, a wide range of readers interested in aesthetics, students of higher educational institutions, undergraduates and doctoral students.