Кино теориясы: Эйзенштейннен Тарковскийге дейін

Теория кино. От Эйзенштейна до Тарковского

Author: Semyon Israilevich Freilich
ISBN: 978-5-8291-1721-4
Language: Russian
Publishing house: “Academic Project”
Year: 2015
Number of pages: 512


The author, a well–known theorist and historian of cinematography, outlines his concept of cinema as the art of the twentieth century; evaluates its role in the spiritual life of modern man. The boundaries of the study are quite wide: from classical cinema to modern cinema. The author focuses on the problems of the relationship between cinema and television, “high” and “low” genres, modern style in cinema, the specifics of cinema and its difference from theater, literature, painting and music.

It is intended for students of theatrical and cinematographic universities.