КИНО 2: Уақыт-бейне

КИНО 2: Уақыт-бейне

Author: Gilles Deleuze
ISBN-10: 2707310476
ISBN-13: 97827077310477
Language: French
Publishing house: Editions de Minuit
Year: 1983
Number of pages: 378

French philosopher Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) in his two-volume “Cinema 1. Image-movement” and “Cinema 2. Image-Time” philosophically explores not the history of cinema, but images and semiotic symbols in cinema, conducts an in-depth analysis of the logic of cinema, allowing you to immerse yourself in such fundamental concepts as “movement”, “space”, “time” and “image”. He goes beyond traditional concepts, explaining cinema from the point of view of deep knowledge, focuses on understanding its inner world. Introduces concepts such as “image-movement”, “image-feeling”, “image-action”, “image-perception”, etc. D., who raise cinema to the level of philosophical thinking.This work has been widely used in the analysis of the art of cinema since the 80s of the last century and has had a significant impact on both theory and criticism of cinema.

The book is intended for specialists in the field of cinema, philosophers and cultural scientists, as well as the general public.